Task 5 - Personal statement

During my studies at Sixth Form, I have expanded many skills, such as learning how to code C#
in Unity and creating my very own imaginative game. I would like to continue my studies in
Computer Games as I am passionate when it comes to creating my own games. This has influenced
me in wanting to choose a career in Computer Games as I have gained more interest when it
comes to creating realistic games, first person shooter games, puzzle games, and many more
gaming genres where I enjoy applying my creative thought.
I am currently studying Media Level 3 at Sixth Form. Throughout the course I have gained
numerous new skills, such as partaking in group projects and learning to use programs
including Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop CC 2020, and other gaming software such as Unity
and Maya. Unity offers the fundamental process of creating video games, which has allowed me
to improve my knowledge and understanding at a higher level of gaming development. Computer
Games is the perfect degree for me as it is what I would like to do in the future. In Computer
Games I am interested when it comes to designing the game, scripting the game as well as
making the game into a finished product. My passion in Computer Games was initially sparked by
exploring available online information and by watching how certain elements of a game are
constructed. The implementation of these concepts and applying it to my own imaginative
variations of design helps me excel my knowledge in Computer Games.
To demonstrate that I am an excellent candidate for the Computer Games course, I created a
short but complex horror genre game for my Final Major Project. The game consists of multiple
tasks to eventually lead to a locked door, requiring a specific code to unlock it. Behind it
is where the game would end by an AI running straight towards the players screen and thus
ending the game. The game was based on a memory type theme where you would have to memorise
the pathways to reach the end goal. My inspiration on creating this type of game stemmed from
popular YouTube content creators playing similar horror format games. This is a project which
allowed me to display and develop a multitude of skills that have been taught throughout the
course, such as doing extensive research into game mechanics, for example user interaction
with non-playable characters or objects. Another feature that I incorporated into my game
mechanics is the use of invisible walkable barriers in which when triggered, this would play a
certain sound.
Outside of my studies, I am a keen sportsman as well as a gamer. From an early age, I attended
Karate lessons that has taught me discipline and time management. I achieved the black belt
standard in Karate and although I no longer regularly practice, it has given me transferable
skills that are applicable to other areas of my life. I also played for club in Rugby and
Football throughout secondary school. Due to a knee injury, I was unable to continue to
represent my club at the required level. However, my resilience did not stop me in
participating in other sporting activities, and only prompted me to undertake a serious
rehabilitation program by improving my fitness by attending the gym regularly. I hope Sport is
something that I can continue while at University, as it demonstrates my abilities to excel in
a range of activities, both academic and extra-curricular.
I hope to pursue my interests in Computer Games at your University to give me the ability to
further expand my academic knowledge and to achieve the best possible start to make my mark
within the Gaming Industry. The opportunity for me to study Games Design at your University
will be invaluable.
