Task 2-Skills Audit & Swot

 A) Skills Audit

Personal Characteristics


For social, I believe overall I'm more than capable on being a good listener when it comes to group projects, what I'm being asked to do and what the teachers want me to do for that specific work. As of being games designer, in your team for the project everyone must know what they're doing so that nothing becomes miss led and everyone needs to fully understand everyone in order we are all on the right track which is why listening is vital.

Communication is another key factor for social and myself can communicate well in a group if I'm confident with the people I'm with as I have a better understanding with those people. But I still do communicate with people that I never talk to or I've never met to have a better understanding of what type of person they are. Overall this is very important when it comes to group projects which I am more than capable of doing.

Another very important skill which helps for game designers are to follow directions. This does however, link very well to "listener"  as once someone tells you to sort out a certain part of the project or help out with a certain part then they'll need to contribute and help out if they're able to.


As of personal skills, my focus has improved especially when it comes to working on my own. Not just my focus but also getting everything on time as this has been a part of my life. These two skills have impacted me in a way that the way I work is much more efficient and it can also help me be more motivated as I want to get that certain task completed. This will help out allot for gaming as you'll need to get everything on time and also keeping your self focused so that the people you're working with can trust you and the business can also trust you. For getting things done on time I never really make my own schedule I decide on a day where I have time to squeeze in the work for that day as I'm not a fan of making a schedule as I never really follow it. Unless its a group project then its a different story.

With my previous project for my game, I was very motivated when I was watching other peoples creations and getting ideas ect. This was however, a solo project so doing this as in pairs or in a bigger group, we would be able to create a much bigger game which would motivate me allot still.

Gaming is a key part of life for me which will always motivate me when it comes to playing games, giving feedback for games or even creating your own game. I often watch gaming videos on YouTube and maybe also technology stuff for instance PC builds ect... as I'm a PC gamer my self. I have attended a some clubs in the past where you create your own game and also learn how to code. This did however, gave me an understanding of whats its like as when I produced my own game, I managed to set it as such high standards that the teacher wouldn't of expected my self to produce a game like this.

Lastly I always self-reflect on my work that I've produced even if it's not fully finished, I go over the part where I managed to complete and see if it still works as how it should as in the coding there could be an error so I can be very organised. There are chances where I could be lazy when it comes to putting things in certain folders in the game editor but I will now for sure not to do that as imagine not being organised for bigger games.

Soft Skills:

As of soft skills, I believe I am great when it comes to working with others and also thinking creatively when it comes to group projects or just projects on your own. This is important when it comes to making games with people as you'll need to come up ideas to make the game and also working together as a team well. 

To give an example of my creative works that was done with someone and also done on my own:

Here is a group project where I worked in pairs to create a poster:

The poster includes a tone of creativity when it comes to the location, the props and even the theme. 

Another great example of creativity is creating your own project for visual effects or special effects.

The story board is there to show my initial ideas for my creative thinking when it came to the actual acting:

And in this finished edit is how my ideas came together with the visual effect and how well I managed to work with someone to help me get these shots:

And lastly my final example for my creative thinking is my very own game I made. This game I made is a perfect example of what I'm capable of when it is coming up with ideas for your self for a big project on your own. I've managed to communicate with some people through social media for a helping hand on how to solve certain problems I was having for my game. I used YouTube comment section to communicate with people for help and also on Instagram. This has however, helped me allot when it came to solving a certain problem. 

Hard Skills:
Where as with hard skills, I've managed to use Unity, Adobe Photoshop and also Adobe Fuse. For Adobe Photoshop, I managed to create my self a Main Menu picture for my game. For Adobe Fuse, I managed to create my a self characters for my game. And lastly Unity where I created the whole game to produce the final project. These were used for my FMP. I did also use Adobe Illustrator for creating 2D figures and even using Maya to create 3D objects. I have also used Adobe after effects for Visual effects and also Adobe premier pro to edit the whole clips in together.

Lastly I have also done script formatting by using a software called Celtx. This software allows me to create a script properly by making it as professional as possible. There are skills that I've also have used which are in pre production work in film making which leads to things such as story boarding, health and safety, legal forms, camerawork skills and risk assessments. All this have all been used in creating a certain project. Example that I've used this in my projects:

Frozen-Software skills and Animation:

This video shows how I managed to use Adobe After Effects by doing animation skills. This was however, for a project to test how capable I am doing these challenges and show what I've managed to learn with these new skills which I've never used. I still need more practice however, I do have a better understanding of the basics.

College Film Poster Project-Software skills and Editing:
For this project, we had to create a film poster using Photoshop. We grouped in pairs to create our very own poster with the ideas we've managed to think of. For the background images, I took those when I was on holiday.


College wallpaper project-Software skills and Editing:
For this project, we used both Adobe premier pro and Adobe illustrator to create this wallpaper by using our own shapes that we used to create and then combined them all together. The program Adobe illustrator is a hard skill as I was able to create 2d shapes, characters, graphs, sketches, wallpaper and other related sketches. Overall Illustrator is a good way for creating characters and other sorts of sketches as you can then get them animated in other programmes such as adobe after effects.

College project-2D Graphic Drawing
For this project we had to create a self portrait of our self by using Illustrator. We used the pen tool to draw out the certain parts of the picture we took of our self and recreated it something like this.

College project-Game design 2d graphics:
For this project, we were making a 2D game that wasn't complete and was becoming un organised but I still managed to create the map template and also the pick able item and character. I was however, making my own game for the FMP so I never had the time to get this finished.

Personal project/ College-3d Game project:
For this project, we were allowed to do anything that will cover one of the chosen themes we have chosen from the list. So I myself went for "memories" as I had an idea already for my game that I was going to create throughout these few months. Allot of time was and effort was spent on this game that I created my self without getting help from the teachers as this was all my knowledge and whatever I could find online that could help me. A tone of research was done and I used Unity as it is the best way to learn how to create games and code as its easier to understand and you can learn the basics fast.
Here is the finished product of what I manged to create.

Relevant achievements:

English Language: 4
Science: 4
Russian: 7

Media level 2:

Black belt

Cambridge Rugby:
Man of the match a couple of times

Secondary school Rugby:
Many medals


As of strengths, I work very well independently as shown very well on my FMP as I can use my own skills that I feel like is the right thing for that certain project and also show off on what I am capable with. I can also work very well in a group as you'll have some kind of enjoyment with people whilst doing the certain project and you can also share ideas between each other and produce a masterpiece. Lastly, I tend to also challenge myself by changing parts up in a finished product and adding some extras to make it stand out more.

My other strengths conclude of me using hard skills and soft skills. Starting with soft skills, I am capable of following instructions and also can understand the instructions well when said. I am capable of communicating with others by sharing ideas and helping out the group. I would also include responsibility as a soft skills because, as a game designer, programmer you have to trust your self with what you're doing and always get it done on time.

As of Hard skills, I have used many Adobe Software's and gaming software's. The software's I used are Adobe Premier Pro, Adobe After Affects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Fuse, Garage Band, Unity and Maya.

As of my ambitions and aims are to be a Game designer or a Games programmer. I would like to be successful and also enjoy my time being a games designer or programmer as I'm very passionate about doing this as I enjoy doing this as I can produce high quality work of the game.

As of weaknesses I tend to struggle but not always when I get picked on for a answer in class and have nothing to say but its always best to have a guess if I haven't gotten an idea when I get picked to show that you've tried and had a thought. However, I am aware of this and I should always trust in myself.

I also would like to improve with my hard skills such as Adobe After Effects, Maya and even Unity. This is a must for me as this would help me in the near future when it comes to creating my own games or doing some After effects.

Lastly, my time management can be all over the place especially when I want to get other things done at the same time which would interfere with other things. However, last year I usually had to finish the work on the last week or days as I was too busy with other things but now I'm currently getting all the work done ASAP so that it doesn't interfere with whatever else comes to my way.

As of opportunities, I'll have to attend some gaming courses outside of Long Road as well as work experience. This is vital for me as I would like to do apprentiship after I leave Long Road as I would need to create my self a portfolio of what I managed to do and what I've managed to create and in my spare time ect.... These will also help my knowledge further and then when doing an apprentiship I would have even more knowledge for when I apply for a job.

As of threats, game designers that want to do apprenticeships is very competitive which is why it is vital for myself to attend outside courses outside of Long Road and also make my own games in my own time to show my passion into game design and to show evidence on my portfolio.
